FIU Code of Computing Practice


Any unauthorized, deliberate action which damages or disrupts a computing system, alters its normal performance, or causes it to malfunction is a violation of this Code, regardless of system location or time duration.

Accordingly, the willful introduction of computer “viruses,” “worms,” “denial of service” (DOS) routines, or other disruptive/destructive programs into the University computing environment, via external networks to which the University is connected, is expressly prohibited. The use of any University computing or telecommunications device to gain unauthorized access to a non-University computing system is also prohibited,whatever the intent of such access may be.

Further, individuals are prohibited from using their University computer accounts in association with any unauthorized commercial or private purpose or enterprise.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • advertising a product or service on personal Web page,
  • fund-raising or advertising on behalf of unsanctioned non-University organizations,
  • publicizing of unsanctioned non-University activities,
  • the reselling of University resources except as expressly authorized by the University,
  • and the unauthorized use of the University’s name or logos.

The Division of Information Technology (IT) is Florida International University’s central technology service provider and is led under the direction of Mr. Robert Grillo, Vice President and Chief Information Officer.

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